Skype For Business Mac Missed Conversation Email

It's the 'Missed conversation' email that Skype is sending to Outlook. It wouldn't be a problem if it was once a day or twice a week, but my colleages (Windows) and I (Mac) are receiving a lot of these messages all day long, even though we're online all day and SfB is turned on. Missed Conversation emails can be delayed if you are signed into Lync or Skype for Business from different clients at the same time. For example, if you're signed in from your desktop and another computer or the Lync Mobile client. This is known, but not expected, behavior. It might be due to IM toast popping up in one client when you are working from another client. Lync activity from the remote machine then 'nudges' the email out.

Microsoft is rolling out a new update Skype that will notify users about the missed calls and messages via email. This feature is probably useful for those who don’t open Skype regularly but want to stay updated.

Microsoft has actually turned on settings by default so if you don’t want emails then you should disable them. To disable settings you will need to open Skype and head to Settings>Notifications and scroll down to Email Notifications and disable them. The latest update also bumps the app to v8.40.0.70 and is available for everyone.

Via: Windows United

Last October I reviewed the Skype for Business iOS client. Three readers commented about a bug they experienced while using it.

“Whenever I miss a conversation (why is it missed?) I can see the first few words of the message I missed but when I click on it, I can’t see the rest. I can never see the full message. Where does it go?”

“Nearly every day, I will see that I had a message come in, and I will only see the first few words. “Hey, Liza! It’s really important that we—” and then when I tap into the conversation, it’s gone. Unrecoverable.”

“I have the same frustrating problem — I will miss a message, but when I go to open it I can only see the first few words followed by “…”, then I click on it and it brings me to a new message screen. I can never see my missed messages, which is the whole point of having this app in the first place.”

I promised to investigate, and so I did. Unfortunately, I don’t have many answers.

Three Parts Investigate, Only One Part Success

I took three paths to investigate the missing-message issue.

  1. Examine app reviews for other user impressions,
  2. Do some more support research, and
  3. Try to duplicate this in our office.

First up, review. How widespread is the issue? How many people does this affect? I checked reviews on the App Store and Microsoft-related forums, like this one: iOS Client for Skype for Business 2015 –

“Missed messages vanishing” is mentioned in both places. As are other sync issues such as voicemail. In fact the limitations are clearly wearing on iOS users. Makes me wonder how the new Mac client will turn out after the preview releases.

Research: From the bug description, it sounds like a failure of Server-Side Conversation History. Which informed my search. Is your Conversation History fully enabled? If you’re not sure, here’s how to check: Enable Server Side Conversation History – Martin Boam’s Microsoft UC Blog

I did find this note on an Office Support page:

Skype Clear Missed Conversations

“Note: Conversations that were accepted on other Skype for Business (Lync) clients but were missed on your mobile device don’t appear in the Chats tab.”

Might explain some instances of this happening. I’m sure it doesn’t explain all, though. It didn’t explain mine!

Duplication: I was logged into Skype4B on my iPhone, but answered a new message on my laptop. Sure enough, I saw a “Missed” conversation on my phone’s Chats tab. And it contained the message contents when I checked it 15 minutes later. Hmmm.

Skype For Business Mac Missed Conversation Email Account

In fact I could not duplicate the “missed message” issue no matter what. We tried two other iPhones, one 5 and two 6s in total. I even removed the Skype for Business client and reinstalled fresh.

We definitely have a bug here. But it’s not consistent.

Is the Bug Already Updated?

Skype For Business Mac Missed Conversation Email Messages

Skype for Business on iOS received updates recently – the latest of which came on May 2 (described as “general bug fixes”). My client automatically updated before I tested for the missing-message bug. So did the other iPhones I tried. This might be the reason why I didn’t have any trouble.

(By the way, I mentioned in the review that you couldn’t see a contact’s Contact Card in the iOS client. You can now–just tap a contact and tap their name. You’ll see a “See Contact Card” option drop down.)


I know losing a message for any reason is frustrating. Right now, the best I can do is advise a safer practice:

  1. Use the iOS client for calls and meeting reminders. Unfortunately, this bug means it’s a bit unreliable when it comes to Instant Messaging. Still works, yes, but if you want to share important information with colleagues, use the Call button.
  2. Update your iOS client to the latest version, and keep it updated. Even general bug fixes can have a big help.

How To Email Skype Conversation

If you’ve updated your Skype for Business iOS client to the latest version, do you still see the “missing messages” bug? Please comment or email me your experience. If Microsoft fixed this bug, then we’re all a bit better off! If not, the bug needs reporting.