Mole On Right Hand Meaning

What the Chinese Art of Face Reading says about body moles

The ancient Chinese Art of Face Reading provides insight into mole on your face as well as corresponding moles on your body.

A mole on the right hand near the wrist signifies creative nature. A mole on the left hand near the wrist shows a man of fashion, fond of dress, women and wine. May 08, 2017 Mole on Palm Of Hand - Mostly meaning of mole on right and left hand is same but some ancient palmists said that mole on left side is unlucky and right side mole is lucky but I think this is not true. I think mole result is same for both hands. Same thing is for men and women, same result for both. Moles Superstitions And Lucky Moles On The Body. Jun 01, 2020 People with moles on right hands finish any task with determination and precision. Those with moles on the left hands nurture ambitions on getting rich, but lead ordinary lives. Moles below the elbows indicate success and prosperity. These people are ready to help others and are also open to receiving help. Men brings happiness mole on right hand, wherever moles readingwas. Such men are easy to make money, and optimistic about the future. If the mole on left hand, there are two men near a mole, it. Mole on the right part of the forehead denotes wealth fame and success. Mole beneath the eyebrows. Image Credit: Shutterstock. Mole beneath the eyebrows indicate intelligence and creativity. Moles on the mouth or chin. Image Credit: xovain. Women with moles on the upper lip or chin area are considered to be beautiful.


Some people content that moles on the body are marks carried over from past lives. They are badges of experience and can be an indicate of some good or bad deed from a previous incarnation.

Some sages say that moles show good fortune or possibly misfortune depending on their color and position. Perhaps they are flesh-borne milestones and markers of past deeds.

Each one has a meaning and reading them can offer insight into a person, their personality and their life.

Here is a guide to what your body moles mean based on various interpretations from different cultures.

Back and bum Moles

What a back mole means:

A person with a mole on their back has an outgoing personality. The also have strong communication skills and are easy to talk to and are great listeners.

What a mole on your bum means:

Someone with a mole on their butt is a person who is:

  • Enthusiastic
  • Vital and full of life
  • Engaging. They like to meet people and are good with strangers
  • Lucky. They have luck with money and wealth

It can be an excellent indication that you are smart, have wisdom and creativity. You will be or are highly respected.

What a mole on your tailbone indicates:

This mole on a male shows your potential to be successful and wealthy. Entrepreneurs with this mole will have good fortune. On a woman a tailbone mole shows you pays attention to your work. You are reliable and trustworthy.

Leg Moles

What a mole on the lower leg means:

These people are hard workers. They are responsible. And the work hard. They are good business people and they work dilently for their families.

What a mole on the back of the knee shows:

A mole on the back of a woman’s knee predicts she will have excellent relationships with most people and will be likeable. On a man, a mole in this location is not good. You will suffer a life of scarcity. (You might want to remove this mole.)

Neck Moles

What moles on the neck around Adam’s apple mean:

A mole on the neck near the Adam’s apple suggest that the person may not get get along with their family.

What moles on the base of the front of the neck:

Mole On Right Hand Meaning

This mole location may indicate a shorter lifespan. You may suffer from high stress.

Stomach and Chest Moles

What a mole on your chest means:

A mole, especially if it is reddish in color, on the chest means you are:

  • Passionate:
  • Generous
  • Loving
  • And you have good relationships with children.

What a mole in the center of your chest on your breast bone means:

You have a kind heart. You exude generosity. When engaging in business people can trust you to be honest and honorable.

What a mole on the navel means:

A mole, especially a red mole, on the navel means the person is wise. The have good fortune. And the love good food. Some would call them gourmets.

What a mole on the upper ribcage below the breasts or pectorals means:

A mole mid torso brings good fortune for both genders. Life will be smooth and expect to get lucky with unexpected windfalls. If you have two moles here, expect doubly good fortune.

Pubic Moles

What a mole on your lower abdomen means:

On a man, a mole low on your abdomen near your genitals means you will have many children. On a woman this mean you are very passionate and have a high sex drive.

Arm Moles

What a mole on a shoulder means

A mole on the shold means that this person needs to work hard for their family. They may have more arguments and be combative at times.

What a mole on in an armpit means:

If a mole is near an armpit, it is a sign of good fortune and luck for men. If the mole is tucked in the armpit, it can you will achieve a high rank in your life.

What a mole on the inside of your arm (opposite to your elbow) means:

This location for a mole suggests that it is difficult for you to win recognition for hard work. Achieving the result you desire could be tough and difficult.

Hand Moles

What a mole on the inside of your wrist means:

You are good at spending your money. It will be difficult for you to hold on to any wealth. Practise giving to charity and this will ensure you have plenty of money to spend and to give away.

What a mole on the left hand means

This mole means money flows away from you quicker than you can earn it.

What a mole on the right hand means:

Mole located on the right hand helps attract a flow of money to you.

What a mole on the bicep means:

On a man, mole on this arm muscle conveys that you need to work hard for anything you earn. You may also do physical types of work. On a woman, a mole on this location means children are in safe hands with her as she loves kids, and they will love her

What moles on your face mean:

Have a mole on or face? Learn what facial moles mean about you in this article: The Meaning of Moles on Your Face

More body mole interpretation websites:

Chinese Face Reading - Facial Mole and Your Fate

According to the ancient Chinese facial mole studies, not all moles are bad. Most of the moles serve as a warning or reminder so you can be more vigilant to protect yourself from harms, this is especially true for those moles that can be seen easily.

The “good moles” symbolizing good luck and fortune are usually hidden or not easily seen. The color of the mole is darker than the skin. Moles have dark black, black, light black, gray, brown, purple, and red colors. The pure color of black or red is good moles. Moles mixing with red, white, or yellow colors are unlucky signs in people relationships. A shining and smooth mole with good brightness is considered as a good mole. A mole with hair indicates the mole is alive, which is a sign of good mole. A male should keep the hair. A female can trim it.

If you consider getting rid of the mole on your face, check the reading before you do. You may come to appreciate it more. Also removing the mole will not change your fate, but knowing what challenges that may come will help you handle it better.

Find the location of the mole from the picture, and check the reading below.

My Chinese Palm Reading

  1. Cannot get along with parents, boss, or the elderly. Try to keep a respectful distance with them.
  2. Same to 1. No respect for parents, boss, or the elderly. Try to keep a respectful distance with them.
  3. Same to 1. Try to keep a respectful distance with them.
  4. Lack of planning, and have an unstable life.
  5. (above the eyebrow) – May encounter misfortune brought on by family or friends or may have bad luck with money.
  6. (in the eyebrow) – Very smart, creative, or artistic. Will have wealth and fame, and have good luck with money.
  7. (on the eyelid) – Tend to have conflicts with family, and have problems keeping money.
  8. Have financial hardship. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances.
  9. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances, and prevent accidents.
  10. Unlikely to have or to be with children or grandchildren.
  11. Tend to be troubled by long term or severe illness.
  12. Tend to have problems related to diet or food.
  13. Always worry and work hard for children, but may not be able to enjoy a good relationship with them.
  14. Have a high risk of food poisoning or allergy.
  15. Do not reside in one place for long, move around a lot, or have an unstable environment.
  16. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances, and prevent food poisoning or diet problems.
  17. Be cautious with your actions to prevent losing a good reputation.
  18. Be mindful of your well being when traveling abroad.
  19. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances.
  20. Life may be short, so live it to the fullest. Avoid any criminal acts.
  21. Tend to have foot problems. Need to prevent water-related accidents.
  22. Need to prevent accidents while traveling.
  23. Prominent and rich.


Many Facial moles have corresponding moles on the other part of body. For example, a mole on the eyebrow, you might find a mole on the shoulder or hands. A mole on the cheek, then you might find one mole on the chest. A mole around the mouth, then you should find a corresponding mole on the symmetrical position in the private parts. Most of moles inside the body are good ones, since they are hidden.

  • A mole in red color on the chest is a good mole. It implies passion, generous, love and good relationship with children.
  • A mole on the buttocks hints the person with enthusiasm, vitality, meeting people and money luck.
  • A mole on the back indicates a person with outgoing personality with strong communication skill.
  • A mole on the lower leg implies working hard, responsible personality for business and family.
  • Moles on the palm are all good moles, which shouldn't be removed.
  • Moles on the neck around Adam's apple implies the person has hard time to get along with family.
  • A mole around navel with red color represents the person is a gourmet. It is also a good sign of fortune and wisdom.
  • A mole on the shoulder hints the person needs to work hard for the family and have more argument than people.

The Beauty Mark is a bigger size mole near the eyes and mouth areas. It's near round, smooth and sleek color. Some bigger moles are prominent a little bit. But if the skin is protruding too much, then that might be a wart. The Beauty Mark should be only one on the face. A Beauty Mark is easy to catch people's eyes. Many people show the Beauty Mark near the mouth. A mole around month indicates the sign of eloquence, gossip, and disputes. It also implies the symbol of desire, passion, and erotic.

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Mole On Your Hand