How To Make Homemade Fireworks Without Gunpowder

  1. How To Make Homemade Fireworks Without Gunpowder Sugar
  2. How To Make Homemade Fireworks Without Gunpowder Without
  3. Homemade Black Powder (Gunpowder) Fire Crackers!? - YouTube
  4. See Full List On

You can get potassium nitrate for making black powder really cheap, if you can find prilled or hard nitrate. “Prilled” nitrate comes in little spheres, around 1 mm or less in diameter.

Make Black Powder Using Cheap Potassium Nitrate Prills

Fireworks, if they contain a star, will damage mobs and items in close vicinity. If you have a pair of elytra wings, fireworks will come in useful to propel you long distances. First, make a firework rocket with no star. If you want to go farther use more gunpowder. Hold the rocket in your hands. This will make the salute more resistent to wear, and will waterproof the salute. Next, take your report composition (BP, Mag55 Flash, Standard 70/30 KClO4/Al flash, Pyrodex, etc.), and fill the salute tube with it, until all but 1/2' at the open end of the tube is obscured by the report composition.

Prilled nitrate is too coarse to use as-is in making black powder and other fireworks, but once you grind it up to about 200 mesh, it’s perfect.

  1. Make Black Powder Using Cheap Potassium Nitrate Prills. How to Make Black Powder Using Coarse Chemicals. Prilled nitrate is too coarse to use as-is in making black powder and other fireworks, but once you grind it up to about 200 mesh, it’s perfect.
  2. Fireworks, if they contain a star, will damage mobs and items in close vicinity. If you have a pair of elytra wings, fireworks will come in useful to propel you long distances. First, make a firework rocket with no star. If you want to go farther use more gunpowder. Hold the rocket in your hands.
  3. Using a hammer and nail, poke a small hole in the top of the can. Tie a washer on one end of a piece of string and thread through the hole.

Keep in mind that potassium nitrate, like most oxidizers commonly used in making fireworks, eventually absorbs enough water to get more or less petrified. But it’s still good. You just need to grind it up into a fine, fluffy powder again. It never goes bad, even if it’s gotten wet or has been stored for years.

So learning to grind/mill hard chemicals is one of the routine tasks that all fireworkers need to master.

We routinely recommend two ways: coffee milling and ball milling. Both ways have advantages.

To grind a single chemical (vs. a mix like black powder) using a ball mill, fill your mill jar half full of hardened lead or brass grinding media, and 25% full of potassium nitrate. Turn the mill on and come back in an hour. Your nitrate should be light and fluffy. If not, continue grinding it ’til it’s fine powder with no chunks or grains.

But guess what?

The good news is that sometimes you don’t need to do anything extra like pre-milling. Here’s a quick and dirty video I made. It shows how you can even use coarse chemicals and primitive equipment to make black powder just as good as any commercially made BP.

Making Black Powder with a Ball Mill

Just so you know what’s going on. This is me in my backyard. I am using a homemade ball mill I’ve had for 20 years, and Skylighter’s ½” antimony-hardened lead balls.

Check out my fancy-dancy mill jar! It’s a one-gallon plastic mayonnaise jar stuck inside a large coffee can for reinforcement. I actually have to tape the screw top on it so it doesn’t come off while it’s turning!

This is down and dirty, almost totally homemade equipment. You do NOT need to be fancy or sophisticated (which I sure as hell ain’t!) to make great black powder which performs as well as anything you can buy.

To make this black powder, I’m using Skylighter’s el cheapo, prilled potassium nitrate–the cheapest stuff we have. Everything you see is right out of the containers—no pre-grinding or screening. The point is, look at how quick and easy it is to make black powder using really coarse potassium nitrate without having to spend any time making it finer first.

When the black powder’s finished, you’ll see me using my busted up old bucket screen to separate the lead balls from the new black powder. (You will NOT be impressed!)

Remember these magic proportions when you’re making black powder with a ball mill:

- Fill your mill jar half full of hardened lead balls (or brass)
- Fill half of the remaining space with your 3 chemicals
- Leave 25% empty “head space”

Got it? 50% lead balls, 25% chemicals, 25% air.

These proportions are the “sweet spot” that guarantees that your powder will be good AND that you can do it in the shortest amount of time (typically 3-4 hours).

Troubleshooting: How to Prevent Pitiful Powder Syndrome

How To Make Homemade Fireworks Without Gunpowder Sugar

From time to time, folks call who have been seriously afflicted with Pitiful Powder Syndrome, an acute black powder deficiency known to cause all manner of fireworks failures and hair-pulling.

Their symptoms are always the same: their ball-milled black powder doesn’t work.

So, the first thing we do is get him (the “hers” are never afflicted) to describe how he made it. Tangled full movie mp4.

Every time… I mean every single time, the victim’s PPS can be traced to making the black powder a different way than the simple process shown. (Or, as we were warned in kindergarten, by not following instructions—a manly trait.)

Here’s how people most commonly get infected by Pitiful Powder Syndrome:

Not using enough milling media: Always fill your jar 50% full of grinding media.

Using media that’s too small: Use ½” for 1 gallon mill jars or smaller; ¾” for larger mill jars; for 5 gallons or larger, use 1-inch.

Using lightweight grinding media: You want lead or brass. Both are heavy enough, but will not spark or cause an accidental ignition. Do not use steel or ceramic. They can cause another syndrome—death.

Milling for too short a time: run your mill for at least 3 hours. You probably don’t need to run it longer than 5 hours. Milling longer than that will probably not improve your black powder significantly.

Using different chemicals: Standard black powder is made with potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal. Switching or omitting chemicals is a common cause of pitiful powder. Do not waste time and money by second guessing these chemicals.

Remember: making black powder this way is a tried and tested method, perfected for hundreds of years by people who learned more about it than you and I ever will.

Want to Get a Black Powder Making FAQ?

If you’re new to making black powder we made up a Black Powder “Cheatsheat” for you. This would be a good thing to print out and keep in your fireworks-making notebook or pinned to the wall of your shop.

The Black Powder Cheat Sheet will help you make sense of the different black powder, legalities, grades, sources for store-bought BP, and a comparison of the most common ways of making BP.

  • Understand the legalities of making black powder
  • Discover the different methods for making black powder
  • Cut through all the confusion surrounding grades and particle sizes
  • Learn the best type of black powder for each fireworks application
  • Find the best places to buy commercial BP

Just click here and give us your best email address and we’ll send it to you.

Introduction: How to Make Fireworks

Hello! This is an instructable on how to make fireworks in Minecraft. Yes, there are fireworks in minecraft, and you can customize them in any way you like!

Step 1: Things You Need

You will need:

black dye(ink sac from squid)

red dye(rose red)

green dye(cactus green)

brown dye(cocoa bean)

blue dye(lapis lazuli)

purple dye

cyan dye


light grey dye

grey dye

pink dye

lime dye

yellow dye(dandelion yellow)

light blue dye

magenta dye

Subversion client for mac. orange dye

white dye(bone meal)



How To Make Homemade Fireworks Without Gunpowder Without


glowstone dust

gold nugget

fire charge


crafting table

Step 2: Finding the Materials(if in Survival)

The crafting table is made of four wood planks in a square.

Step 3: Paper

To get paper, you need a supply of sugar cane. Once you break it, put 3 in a row on the crafting table to get paper.

Step 4: ​Gunpowder

Gunpowder is found from creepers, witches, or ghasts, so creepers are the easy choice. Destroy a few creepers to obtain gunpowder.

Step 5: Diamonds

Diamonds are found underground at level 15 or deeper, and are mined with an iron pickaxe.

Step 6: Glowstone

Glowstone is found in witches, if you want to stay in the overworld, but if you want lots, you have to set up a witch farm or go to the nether. In the nether, you can find patches of glowstone hanging from the walls or ceiling.

Step 7: Gold Nuggets

Gold is found in zombiepigmen or underground below level 32. You need an iron pickaxe to mine it. Pick up the ore block and take it to a furnace. Smelt it to get gold ingots. Put a gold ingot in the crafting table to get gold nuggets.

How to make homemade fireworks without gunpowder work

Step 8: Fire Charge

A trip to the nether is necessary to gain access to a fire charge. You need blaze powder from a blaze, coal, and gunpowder.

Step 9: Head

Heads are fairly hard to get, but they make spectacular fireworks. Go to the nether and find a wither skeleton. Once you obliterate it, it has a very small chance to drop its head. To gain another kind of head is nearly impossible in vanilla survival. Wait for a thunderstorm. If a creeper gets struck by lightning, it becomes a charged creeper. When a charged creeper explodes, any mobs destroyed in the blast will drop their heads. Now for the hard choice. You can either lead it around, trying to get it to destroy a mob, or sacrifice yourself and return to get your own head. Either way will work.

Step 10: Dyes

Rose red if obtained when you break a rose bush or a poppy and craft it.

Cactus green is obtained when you break a cactus and smelt the items in a furnace.

Homemade Black Powder (Gunpowder) Fire Crackers!? - YouTube

Cocoa beans are found in the jungle. Just break them and you're done.

Lapis lazuli is found underground most commonly at level 10-20.

Red and lapis make purple.

Green and lapis make cyan.

See Full List On


Destroying a skeleton gives you bone meal. Lg w1941s drivers for mac.

Green and bone meal makes lime.

Ink sacs come from hunting a squid in the ocean.

Bone meal and ink sacs make grey.

Bone meal and grey makes light grey.

A peony bush makes pink dye when crafted.

Sunflowers or dandelions make yellow dye.

Blue and white makes light blue.

Allium or lilac makes magenta.

An orange tulip makes orange dye, but also red and yellow.

Step 11: Fireworks

A firework consists of two parts, the star, and the rocket. The star is what makes the beautiful colors, and the rocket brings it up into the air.

Step 12: Crafting Our First Firework

Pick up a piece of paper and put it on the crafting grid with a piece of gunpowder. Pick up the resulting firework rocket. If it is survival, wait for night and set it to peaceful. If you're in creative, do the cheat /time set night.

Right click on the ground to launch it.



hmmmm nothing happened. Oh, right. We forgot the firework star!

Put a piece of orange dye in the crafting grid with gunpowder. Look! the firework star. Take the star and put in the crafting grid. Now, combine it with paper and gunpowder. Pick up the rocket. right click on the ground to launch it. OOH! If it went correctly, you should see it explode into an orange ball some distance from the ground. This is the most basic kind of firework.

Step 13: More Fireworks.

Compared with other fireworks, this one is very boring. We need to add effects. Pick up a dye and put it into the crafting grid with gunpowder. Grab a fire charge and put it into the crafting grid. This time, it should say the color of the firework and its effect. In this case, it should say large ball. Let's test this one out.

Phewwwwww.w.ww.w.ww..w.ww.w.........BABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A large ball of your choice color should appear in the sky. This one should be much louder than the small POP!!! that the regular one gave you. You should also have noticed a small delay between sight and sound. This is to simulate what you hear when you go to see the fireworks.

Now lets try some more effects. Put the dye of choice with the gunpowder into the grid. This time, place a golden nugget. It should say, star-shaped in the info box when you hover over the star. Craft a rocket with it and launch. You should see an explosion shaped like a star appear in the sky.

Step 14: Even More Fireworks

Now, do the same as last, except in place of the gold, use a diamond. This will create a ball, except with a trail behind it.

All these fireworks have been single color fireworks, but there is good news. Your fireworks can have more than one color added in. Also, you can combine more than one effect in the firework. This will result in spectacular looking fireworks. Please note, however, that certain effects can't be combined. Here is one firework with the star and trail combined. The head makes a cool explosion shaped as a creeper face. A feather will bake a burst firework.

Step 15: More Combinations

If you want many effects at once, and some can't be combined, and/or you want more colors, make more than one firework star. Here is a creeper star firework.You can also change how high your fireworks by changing the amount of gunpowder in the ROCKET.

Step 16: Other Uses and Dangers

Fireworks, in large quantities can be use as distress beacons because of the sound they make and the light. You can set up many fireworks and dispensers connected to pressure plates to launch them up in a display. A warning. Fireworks, if they contain a star, will damage mobs and items in close vicinity. So be careful. If you have a pair of elytra wings, fireworks will come in useful to propel you long distances. First, make a firework rocket with no star. If you want to go farther use more gunpowder. hold the rocket in your hands. Jump off a cliff, and when you want to go farther, look up and launch the firework. You will be propelled a fair distance, then you will glide again. So happy Minecrafting! :D

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